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Check our Institutional Video
Videos, catalogs, images and various support materials
Complete Catalog 2025
Images and tables
Full of products.
Product image bank
All products and details
Cycles 2023
Our planning calendar and themes for campaigns and social network. Follow and share!
Logos Pet Med
Institucional logo and applied technologies: download and use in promotional materials
Vídeo Institucional
Presenting the details of the products and the work of Pet Med for Brazil and the world
Custom art
Arts for magazines and digital banners to spread, request a personalized art
Pet Med is a company that loves animals and dedicates all its efforts to caring for and bringing more quality of life in the recovery of our dear friends Pets.
We carry out research in the main technological centers of Brazil, the United States and Europe to innovate in pet care. Animais.🐾
✅ Our product chain was designed to offer pets more comfort, flexibility and safety. After all, a pet’s good psychological and emotional health are the big secrets to a successful recovery.❤
A sheltered, comfortable and calm pet adheres better to the treatment, allowing its healing to be faster and more efficient. 💗